Sunday 6 September 2015

May 22, 2013

Today I stood at the spot.

The spot.

The spot in which your world must have stood still. The spot in which the pendulum swung between whether you should run with him still tightly clung to your chest, or to run with him tightly clung to your heart.

I can't begin to imagine what was going through your mind.

I cannot allow myself to imagine what your heart must have felt.

How it still feels.

As I stood at that spot today. The spot. I wept.

Not for myself. Not for our son.

My tears fell for you.

Because of circumstances only you know of, and I can only speculate, you lay our precious boy at the gate.

And as you wished the world for him, you walked away in faith.

May you know that the One who holds the world in His hand has heard your wish.